FOSINA presenting at the Université de Versailles on 21 April 2022

FOSINA will be presenting at the Université de Versailles in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines on 21 April 2022 to present how optoelectronics is used on a daily basis at FOSINA to design disruptive distributed optical fiber sensors.

Alexis Constantinou, is proud to be invited to participate to the “Round table: les métiers de l’optoélectronique” organized by Françoise Hache-Bissette to engage with our future generation of optoelectronics engineers and to share its passion for breakthrough innovations and optoelectronics.

At FOSINA, we use the natural processes that occur when light propagates in an optical fiber to detect the environment changes along the fiber used as a sensor. The very low portion of light lost at each point along the fiber provides signals that are analyzed to understand the spatial distribution of temperature, strain and acoustic signals over very long distances.

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