Energy Transition

We monitor and locate in real-time the causes of production variations from renewable generators such as wind, geothermal and solar.

Digital Railways

We monitor and locate in real time interference on the railway network and provide a train tracking system.

Structural Monitoring

We monitor in real time any geohazards or structural risks that can impact the health of the infrastructures such as bridges, landslides, tunnels, and dams.

Pipeline Monitoring

We combine our machine learning and fiber optic sensing expertise to monitor and locate in real-time leak detection, pig tracking, and perimeter intrusion.

Sea and Terrestrial Monitoring

We monitor and locate in real time sea and terrestrial activity nearby the fiber optic cable such as tidal motion, earthquake, tsunami, mammals, and vessels or vehicles​

Perimeter Monitoring

We detect, classify, and locate in real time third-party intrusions along a perimeter

Oil and Gas

We monitor in both land and offshore operations, the entire life of a well from exploration to production including construction and stimulation thanks to fiber optic

Weight In Motion

We use fiber optic to monitor weight of vehicles and protect efficiently roads against overload while traffic is flowing