We will be presenting and exhibiting at EUROSATORY 2022 in Houston on 2–5 May 2022.
Visit our booth 37 in the Eurosatory Lab to discover how we can use a standard optical fiber to provide real-time monitoring solution, for protecting critical infrastructures over 100km+ with meter accuracy, and addressing cybersecurity aspects.
Our CEO, Alexis Constantinou, has been invited to:
– Pitch FOSINA innovative solution on the Eurosatory Lab stage on June 14th at 2PM, Eurosatory Lab,
– Participate to the “Infrastructure Protection” round table led by Dominique Legrand from AN2V on June 14th, room Beauvau, 3PM
The round table is to discuss the various types of intrusion and disruptive solutions to detect them with our colleagues from AN2V, Blast Solutions et Associés (BS&A) and SAFE CLUSTER
For more information please CONTACT US